If you experience any issues during payment or you have question(s), send a message via the button at the end of this page
(Highly recommended for instant access to the templates + the bonuses)
Make a payment of ₦2990 via card or bank transfer option on Paystack (Instant Access)
NB: If you are using the transfer option on Paystack make sure to transfer exactly the amount displayed to you, no more no less, or the payment will fail and reverse back to you
DO NOT CLOSE THE PAYMENT PAGE AFTER PAYMENT until you are redirected to access the templates + all the bonuses you paid for
(Manual Payment, Manual Confirmation)
Pay ₦2990 to the bank account below
Account Name : David Adegoke
Bank Name : GTBank
Account No : 0170613906
After making payment, send your proof of payment to us by clicking the button below, you will be granted access manually once your payment is confirmed
Experiencing Payment Issues? Click the button below to send us a message