Only For Solar Installation Businesses That Can Handle Lots Of Solar Installation Requests
I Will Make People That need Solar Installation urgently Message You Themeselves ... Pay Me Nothing If I Fail
(My Ninja Solar Client Gen. Method Will Bring In People That Are Hungry For Solar Installation 101% Guaranteed, Just Focus On fulfilling the request of prospective clients generated by the system )
Want Us to Help You Use The Ninja Solar Client Gen. Method To Make people that need solar installation urgently message you themselves?
For Solar Installation Businesses
We Will Make People That Need Solar Installation Urgently Message You Or We Don't Get Paid
(My Ninja Solar Client Gen. Method Will Bring In People That Are Hungry For Solar Installation 101% Guaranteed, Just Focus On fulfilling the request of prospective clients generated by the system )
Dear Solar Installer,
Would it surprise you to learn that our client generation system get our clients hundreds of high quality prospects to message them every single month for solar installation requests?
But stick with me and I will make it worth your while
And we did it using a completely infamous model that I’m about to share with you on this page…
The same model that we use for top solar installation businesses in your industry to get tens of High quality prospect to message them every single day…
.. Because of this, they are getting more prospects that are hungry for their solar installation offers on autopilot
.. and while not having to worry about where their next client will come from
and best of all using the model to convert new prospective clients to instant clients completely on autopilot if they choose to, which in turn enables them spend more time doing the things they love most in their business (Installing Panels And Making More Money)
Just Frank, a solar installer in Kenya focused on upgrading electricity of soon to be sold houses to solar, he went from struggling in the sub niche to doing over 1700% more in 95 days of implementing this system, He is most likely closing a solar installation deal with our system as your reading this
We could easily fill this entire page with hundreds of success stories because we’ve used our model for hundreds of solar installation businesses all over the world
The Long And Short is… IT works
Want Us to Help You Use The Ninja Solar Client Gen. Method To Make people that need solar installation urgently message you themselves?
Now we are about to do something crazy... if you qualify to be one of the few solar installer we will be working with, we are going to let you try our model out with this bad A** Guarantee
we’ll quickly setup our model and show you it in action
what does this mean for you?
Quite simply, if it works then great
if not (Highly unlikely) you wouldn’t owe us anything. we will refund you every single penny
No setup fees
No management fees
No development fee
You pay nothing if we fail
Why are we making this insane offer?
AT some point you have probably hired a marketing person / agency before promising the world but delivering not a lot…
So instead of giving you a 1 hour sales pitch / a very long sales page to explain why we are different from others, wearing you down to the point you reluctantly say ‘yes’
We figured its just easy to just show you
So lets show you…
Hit the button below, answer a few quick questions, if you qualify, you will be able to book a Call and we’ll be in touch!
Want Us to Help You Use The Ninja Solar Client Gen. Method To Make people that need solar installation urgently message you themselves?
How can you guarantee results when others won't?
This very page you’re on right now is designed to bring you in as a Prospective Client.
“If we can do, can’t we replicate same for you?”
Talk soon
Warning!!! Time Is Crucial
David. A
David Adegoke
- Lead Gen. Expert
As you can imagine, this opportunity is highly desired
Since this is a time consuming service, in order to get results for our clients we can only work with few persons
So its impossible for us to help everyone…
We only have spot for 7-10 clients per month.
so with that said, this opportunity will definitely not be up for long
if you feel like this is right for you, click here to book a call and lets talk
To your success..
David Adegoke
PS: If you can’t book a call because the bookings got full, send me an email ( to join the waiting list for next two month’s when we will be accepting new clients again. I will see you on the call. i can’t wait to talk to you. Don’t miss the call. if you need to reschedule, you can, but don’t be a no show because I DON’T RESCHEDULE WITH NO SHOWS.
PSS: Get in a quiet place on the call. Make sure that its quiet and have something to take notes with, because I’m going to be going over everything you need to do this. i look forward to helping you
Want Us to Help You Use The Ninja Solar Client Gen. Method To Make people that need solar installation urgently message you themselves?
I Help Businesses Build systems that consistently Brings in people that are really interested in their offers